December 31, 2012
Welcome to our new fanblog ^^
A fresh start is always a good thing. We've come to the end of a year that has been quite important for us and we want to thank you for your support in every step we've taken.
We expect 2013 to be a good one for everyone. A year full of good moments. A year to stay creative, inspired and give the best of ourselves in every moment. And of course, a year to share the love and support for Yoo Seung Ho.
Best of lucks, best of wishes!
YSHbiased team
Welcome to our new fanblog ^^
A fresh start is always a good thing. We've come to the end of a year that has been quite important for us and we want to thank you for your support in every step we've taken.
We expect 2013 to be a good one for everyone. A year full of good moments. A year to stay creative, inspired and give the best of ourselves in every moment. And of course, a year to share the love and support for Yoo Seung Ho.
Best of lucks, best of wishes!
YSHbiased team
[Yoo Seung Ho] 121230 I Miss You Typhoon Voice Content
안녕하세요. MBC 수목 미니시리즈 <보고싶다>에서 강형준 역할을 맡은 유승호입니다.
이렇게 음성으로 여러분을 만나게 돼서 너무너무 반갑습니다.
여러분들께서 저에게 궁금한 것들을 많이 질문해주셨다고 들었는데요,
그 중에서 제가 몇 개를 골라봤어요. 답변을 해드릴 거고
음... 첫번째로는 유승호씨가 해리와 닮은 점이 있나요?
네, 드라마를 보신 분은 알겠지만 닮으면 안 돼요, 아시죠? 굳이 이건 (설명을) 안 드려도^^
닮은 점은 없어요. 해리는 워낙 이중적인 성격이고... 음, 드라마 보신 분들은 다 아실 거라 생각을 하구요.
두번째, 우울할 때나 스트레스 받을 때 본인만의 해소법이 있으신가요?
어.... 촬영하면서 스트레스는 되게 많이 받아요. 배역 때문인지는 몰라도 우울한 것도 있긴 하지만,
어찌 됐든 스트레스 받는 것도 촬영이고, 스트레스를 푸는 것도 촬영중에 푸는 거라고 생각을 하고...
그리고 스트레스 풀 시간도 없어요. 딱히 시간도 없어서 현장에서 형 누나들하고 촬영하면서 풀려고 노력하고 있습니다.
세번째로는 <보고싶다>에서 눈물연기가 참 많은데 감정몰두를 하기 위해서 무슨 상상, 생각을 하고 감정이입을 하나요?
저같은 경우는 그냥 그 상황 속에서 제가 실제로 강형준이라고 생각을 하고 연기를 하는데
솔직히 형준이란 캐릭터가 행동하는 것의 반 이상은 저는 거짓이라고 생각을 해서 사실 감정을 잡기가 쉽지는 않고
그래서 제가 겪었던 슬펐던 일, 과거에 겪었던 그런 것들을 생각하면서 감정을 잡으려고 하고 있구요
은혜 누나나 유천이 형도 워낙 잘 해주시니까 현장에서 감정이 잘 잡히는 편이고 편안하게 촬영을 하고 있습니다.
어떻게 답변이 되셨을 지는 모르겠지만요, 아무튼 (질문을) 이렇게 올려주신 여러분들께 감사드립니다.
여러분들 앞으로 <보고싶다> 얼마 안 남았지만 많이 사랑해주시구요, 꼭! 본방사수 해주세요.
마지막으로 새해 복 많이 받으세요. 감사합니다. (TTU)
Hello, i am Yoo Seung Ho playing Kang Hyung Joon in MBC 'Miss You'. I'm so glad to meet all of you through this voice application.
I've already heard a lot of questions from you who are curious about me, and i've picked some of them.
Hmm..First, "Do you think that Yoo Seung Ho and Harry resemble each other?" Yes, i knew that you (viewers) must have watched the drama but i don't resemble him. You knew it right? I strongly do not agree with this. ^^
I don't resemble him. Harry has two personality...Hmm i think viewers who watch the drama will understand what i'm talking about Second, "When you feel depressed, what do you do to lessen the stress?" Ohh...I feel a lot of stress during shooting. It is because i don't know how to play the character, but whenever i'm shooting i feel relieve too..And i don't have time to feel stress..When i don't have enough time, all hyungs and noonas at shooting location give me a lot of support while i'm shooting.
Third, "When you do the crying scene, what are you thinking to immerse with your acting?" Ohh...In that situation, i'm just trying my best in that situation. I just think that i'm acting as Kang Hyung Joon. Frankly speaking, Hyung Joon's character is a bit strange. And it won't be easy to get 'the feeling'. So i remember some sad experience in the past. When i'm thinking that sad experience, i can get 'the feeling' (to portray Hyung Joon's character). Eunhye noona and Yoochun hyung are doing so well at shooting location and that makes me feel comfortable while shooting so i can get 'the feeling' (to act as Hyung Joon so well).
I don't know if my answer is acceptable or not, however i would like to say thank you for the questions you gave me. Please give more love for 'Miss You' in the future. It will be end soon so don't forget to watch it. Last but not least, Happy New Year. Thank You.
Hello, i am Yoo Seung Ho playing Kang Hyung Joon in MBC 'Miss You'. I'm so glad to meet all of you through this voice application.
I've already heard a lot of questions from you who are curious about me, and i've picked some of them.
Hmm..First, "Do you think that Yoo Seung Ho and Harry resemble each other?" Yes, i knew that you (viewers) must have watched the drama but i don't resemble him. You knew it right? I strongly do not agree with this. ^^
I don't resemble him. Harry has two personality...Hmm i think viewers who watch the drama will understand what i'm talking about Second, "When you feel depressed, what do you do to lessen the stress?" Ohh...I feel a lot of stress during shooting. It is because i don't know how to play the character, but whenever i'm shooting i feel relieve too..And i don't have time to feel stress..When i don't have enough time, all hyungs and noonas at shooting location give me a lot of support while i'm shooting.
Third, "When you do the crying scene, what are you thinking to immerse with your acting?" Ohh...In that situation, i'm just trying my best in that situation. I just think that i'm acting as Kang Hyung Joon. Frankly speaking, Hyung Joon's character is a bit strange. And it won't be easy to get 'the feeling'. So i remember some sad experience in the past. When i'm thinking that sad experience, i can get 'the feeling' (to portray Hyung Joon's character). Eunhye noona and Yoochun hyung are doing so well at shooting location and that makes me feel comfortable while shooting so i can get 'the feeling' (to act as Hyung Joon so well).
I don't know if my answer is acceptable or not, however i would like to say thank you for the questions you gave me. Please give more love for 'Miss You' in the future. It will be end soon so don't forget to watch it. Last but not least, Happy New Year. Thank You.
Source: I Miss You Zeki Talk
Translated: Tizzie
Shared: YSHbiased
Please Take Out Of Proper Credits.
Translated: Tizzie
Shared: YSHbiased
Please Take Out Of Proper Credits.
[Yoo Seung Ho] 121230 I Miss You Typhoon Voice Content
안녕하세요. MBC 수목 미니시리즈 <보고싶다>에서 강형준 역할을 맡은 유승호입니다.
이렇게 음성으로 여러분을 만나게 돼서 너무너무 반갑습니다.
여러분들께서 저에게 궁금한 것들을 많이 질문해주셨다고 들었는데요,
그 중에서 제가 몇 개를 골라봤어요. 답변을 해드릴 거고
음... 첫번째로는 유승호씨가 해리와 닮은 점이 있나요?
네, 드라마를 보신 분은 알겠지만 닮으면 안 돼요, 아시죠? 굳이 이건 (설명을) 안 드려도^^
닮은 점은 없어요. 해리는 워낙 이중적인 성격이고... 음, 드라마 보신 분들은 다 아실 거라 생각을 하구요.
두번째, 우울할 때나 스트레스 받을 때 본인만의 해소법이 있으신가요?
어.... 촬영하면서 스트레스는 되게 많이 받아요. 배역 때문인지는 몰라도 우울한 것도 있긴 하지만,
어찌 됐든 스트레스 받는 것도 촬영이고, 스트레스를 푸는 것도 촬영중에 푸는 거라고 생각을 하고...
그리고 스트레스 풀 시간도 없어요. 딱히 시간도 없어서 현장에서 형 누나들하고 촬영하면서 풀려고 노력하고 있습니다.
세번째로는 <보고싶다>에서 눈물연기가 참 많은데 감정몰두를 하기 위해서 무슨 상상, 생각을 하고 감정이입을 하나요?
저같은 경우는 그냥 그 상황 속에서 제가 실제로 강형준이라고 생각을 하고 연기를 하는데
솔직히 형준이란 캐릭터가 행동하는 것의 반 이상은 저는 거짓이라고 생각을 해서 사실 감정을 잡기가 쉽지는 않고
그래서 제가 겪었던 슬펐던 일, 과거에 겪었던 그런 것들을 생각하면서 감정을 잡으려고 하고 있구요
은혜 누나나 유천이 형도 워낙 잘 해주시니까 현장에서 감정이 잘 잡히는 편이고 편안하게 촬영을 하고 있습니다.
어떻게 답변이 되셨을 지는 모르겠지만요, 아무튼 (질문을) 이렇게 올려주신 여러분들께 감사드립니다.
여러분들 앞으로 <보고싶다> 얼마 안 남았지만 많이 사랑해주시구요, 꼭! 본방사수 해주세요.
마지막으로 새해 복 많이 받으세요. 감사합니다. (TTU)
Hello, i am Yoo Seung Ho playing Kang Hyung Joon in MBC 'Miss You'. I'm so glad to meet all of you through this voice application.
I've already heard a lot of questions from you who are curious about me, and i've picked some of them.
Hmm..First, "Do you think that Yoo Seung Ho and Harry resemble each other?" Yes, i knew that you (viewers) must have watched the drama but i don't resemble him. You knew it right? I strongly do not agree with this. ^^
I don't resemble him. Harry has two personality...Hmm i think viewers who watch the drama will understand what i'm talking about Second, "When you feel depressed, what do you do to lessen the stress?" Ohh...I feel a lot of stress during shooting. It is because i don't know how to play the character, but whenever i'm shooting i feel relieve too..And i don't have time to feel stress..When i don't have enough time, all hyungs and noonas at shooting location give me a lot of support while i'm shooting.
Third, "When you do the crying scene, what are you thinking to immerse with your acting?" Ohh...In that situation, i'm just trying my best in that situation. I just think that i'm acting as Kang Hyung Joon. Frankly speaking, Hyung Joon's character is a bit strange. And it won't be easy to get 'the feeling'. So i remember some sad experience in the past. When i'm thinking that sad experience, i can get 'the feeling' (to portray Hyung Joon's character). Eunhye noona and Yoochun hyung are doing so well at shooting location and that makes me feel comfortable while shooting so i can get 'the feeling' (to act as Hyung Joon so well).
I don't know if my answer is acceptable or not, however i would like to say thank you for the questions you gave me. Please give more love for 'Miss You' in the future. It will be end soon so don't forget to watch it. Last but not least, Happy New Year. Thank You.
Hello, i am Yoo Seung Ho playing Kang Hyung Joon in MBC 'Miss You'. I'm so glad to meet all of you through this voice application.
I've already heard a lot of questions from you who are curious about me, and i've picked some of them.
Hmm..First, "Do you think that Yoo Seung Ho and Harry resemble each other?" Yes, i knew that you (viewers) must have watched the drama but i don't resemble him. You knew it right? I strongly do not agree with this. ^^
I don't resemble him. Harry has two personality...Hmm i think viewers who watch the drama will understand what i'm talking about Second, "When you feel depressed, what do you do to lessen the stress?" Ohh...I feel a lot of stress during shooting. It is because i don't know how to play the character, but whenever i'm shooting i feel relieve too..And i don't have time to feel stress..When i don't have enough time, all hyungs and noonas at shooting location give me a lot of support while i'm shooting.
Third, "When you do the crying scene, what are you thinking to immerse with your acting?" Ohh...In that situation, i'm just trying my best in that situation. I just think that i'm acting as Kang Hyung Joon. Frankly speaking, Hyung Joon's character is a bit strange. And it won't be easy to get 'the feeling'. So i remember some sad experience in the past. When i'm thinking that sad experience, i can get 'the feeling' (to portray Hyung Joon's character). Eunhye noona and Yoochun hyung are doing so well at shooting location and that makes me feel comfortable while shooting so i can get 'the feeling' (to act as Hyung Joon so well).
I don't know if my answer is acceptable or not, however i would like to say thank you for the questions you gave me. Please give more love for 'Miss You' in the future. It will be end soon so don't forget to watch it. Last but not least, Happy New Year. Thank You.
Source: I Miss You Zeki Talk
Translated: Tizzie
Shared: YSHbiased
Please Take Out Of Proper Credits.
Translated: Tizzie
Shared: YSHbiased
Please Take Out Of Proper Credits.
December 27, 2012
[FASHION] 121227 Yoo Seung Ho in I Miss You Ep. 14-15
![]() | ||||
(Price: $748.00 USD) |
Yoo Seung Ho using Hell Diver Watch SB2C-2001 BKRG in I Miss You Ep 14-15
[FASHION] 121227 Yoo Seung Ho in I Miss You Ep. 14-15
![]() | ||||
(Price: $748.00 USD)
Yoo Seung Ho using Hell Diver Watch SB2C-2001 BKRG in I Miss You Ep 14-15
December 26, 2012
[NEWS] 121226 Yoo Seung Ho Has Planned His Military Enlistment Since Five Years Ago
An interview with young actor Yoo Seung Ho from five years ago is recently gaining attention for the foresight he indicated about his military enlistment. Like earlier reported, Yoo Seung Ho is currentlly preparing himself to serve his mandatory military duty, after he wraps the MBC drama “I Miss You.”
As it is quite uncommon for celebrities in their early 20s to enlist, his statement from a magazine interview in 2007 was surprising to many.He said, “After I graduate from high school, I’m thinking to enlist, hopefully with the Marines, and later when I get discharged, get a driver’s license and then go to college.”
“Going to the army after high school graduation and college admission are the things that currently occupy my thoughts,” he had further said.
There is no date yet announced for Yoo Seung Ho’s enlistment but his agency has stated that it will be early in 2013.
Source: Soompi
Shared: YSHbiased
[NEWS] 121226 Yoo Seung Ho Has Planned His Military Enlistment Since Five Years Ago
An interview with young actor Yoo Seung Ho
from five years ago is recently gaining attention for the foresight he
indicated about his military enlistment. Like earlier reported, Yoo Seung Ho is currentlly preparing himself to serve his mandatory military duty, after he wraps the MBC drama “I Miss You.”
As it is quite uncommon for celebrities in their early 20s to enlist,
his statement from a magazine interview in 2007 was surprising to
many.He said, “After I graduate from high school, I’m thinking to
enlist, hopefully with the Marines, and later when I get discharged, get
a driver’s license and then go to college.”
“Going to the army after high school graduation and college admission
are the things that currently occupy my thoughts,” he had further said.
There is no date yet announced for Yoo Seung Ho’s enlistment but his agency has stated that it will be early in 2013.
Source: Soompi
Shared: YSHbiased
December 17, 2012
[NEWS] 121217 If The Ratings Break 20%, The Three Actors Will..
In response to what will you do if the ratings break the 20% barrier,
Yoon Eun Hye at first hesitated and said "If the ratings break 20%, I told the staff members that we should go on a trip. I told them that I'd treat them to either South East Asia or Jeju Islands trip and I'm bit nervous right now (That it will happen), and laughed.
Park Yoo Chun stated, "If the ratings come out good, I will donate rice and tangerines to those who are in economic difficulties under the name of "Missing You". Park Yoo Chun had stated earlier that Yoo Seung Ho eats lots of tangerines at the filming location, making Yoo Seung Ho embarassed.
Yoo Seung Ho responded to Park Yoo Chun's plans by stating "I'll also donated with Yoo Chun hyung in good deeds".
Translated by CDBloom @ YEH Forum.Net
Photo by: MBCnest
Shared: YSHbiased
[NEWS] 121217 If The Ratings Break 20%, The Three Actors Will..
In response to what will you do if the ratings break the 20% barrier,
Yoon Eun Hye at first hesitated and said "If the ratings break 20%, I told the staff members that we should go on a trip. I told them that I'd treat them to either South East Asia or Jeju Islands trip and I'm bit nervous right now (That it will happen), and laughed.
Park Yoo Chun stated, "If the ratings come out good, I will donate rice and tangerines to those who are in economic difficulties under the name of "Missing You". Park Yoo Chun had stated earlier that Yoo Seung Ho eats lots of tangerines at the filming location, making Yoo Seung Ho embarassed.
Yoo Seung Ho responded to Park Yoo Chun's plans by stating "I'll also donated with Yoo Chun hyung in good deeds".
Translated by CDBloom @ YEH Forum.Net
Photo by: MBCnest
Shared: YSHbiased
[NEWS] 121217 "I Miss You" Yoo Seung Ho "Out Of All The Actors I've Worked With, I Like Yoon Eun Hye The Most
Actor Yoo Seung Ho stated that out of all the actresses he's worked with, he is most compatible with Yoon Eun Hye.
On December 17th, Park Yoo Chun, Yoon Eun Hye, and Yoo Seung Ho attended the "I Miss you" Press Day held at the Yang Joo Munhwaland (Cultural Village), Kyeonggi-do Yang Joo.
On this day, Yoo Seung Ho revealed his feelings towards his acting partner by answering the question, "Who is your favorite actor that you've worked with?", by stating "I like Eun Hye noona the best. She has a cool and carefree personality and I think we are very compatible when we act".
He added, "Unlike before, I'm acting out an adult character and the character is bit strong in the drama. It's a character that changes personally depending on who he is with. He also added his opinion on rise of the ratings by stating, Hyung Joon is also the character that I least understand fully from all of the dramas I've done. But I think the viewers' interest in Harry, who does not show his true image in the drama, has helped with the ratings.
Translated by CDBloom @ Yoon Eun Hye.Net Forums (윤은혜)
[NEWS] 121217 "I Miss You" Yoo Seung Ho "Out Of All The Actors I've Worked With, I Like Yoon Eun Hye The Most
Actor Yoo Seung Ho stated that out of all the actresses he's worked with, he is most compatible with Yoon Eun Hye.
On December 17th, Park Yoo Chun, Yoon Eun Hye, and Yoo Seung Ho attended the "I Miss you" Press Day held at the Yang Joo Munhwaland (Cultural Village), Kyeonggi-do Yang Joo.
On this day, Yoo Seung Ho revealed his feelings towards his acting partner by answering the question, "Who is your favorite actor that you've worked with?", by stating "I like Eun Hye noona the best. She has a cool and carefree personality and I think we are very compatible when we act".
He added, "Unlike before, I'm acting out an adult character and the character is bit strong in the drama. It's a character that changes personally depending on who he is with. He also added his opinion on rise of the ratings by stating, Hyung Joon is also the character that I least understand fully from all of the dramas I've done. But I think the viewers' interest in Harry, who does not show his true image in the drama, has helped with the ratings.
Translated by CDBloom @ Yoon Eun Hye.Net Forums (윤은혜)
[PHOTOS] 121217 Yoo Seung Ho Models Winter Fashion for Nylon Magazine January 2013 Issue!
Actor Yoo Seung Ho successfully tugged the heart strings of women everywhere not only by his role in the MBC drama “I Miss You” but also on the photo shoot spread for NYLON magazine’s December issue.
With his sweet boyish looks, Yoo Seung Ho exuded a fresh and vibrant aura of a twenty-year-old at the prime of his youth in a casual look that complements him best. He took a series of shots where he was also paired with model Hwang Do Kyung with whom he took a few couple shots with.
In his photos, Yoo Seung Ho sports colorful knits and a natural jumper all from the “G by GUESS” collection. Dressed for the casual look, Yoo Seung Ho reveals a cheerful and bright side that contrasts with the sorrowful and gloomy character he presents in his drama role. The actor looked stylish, comfortable and cheerful for the entire photo shoot, captivating fans with his irresistible shy smile.
Source: soompi
Shared by YSHbiased
[PHOTOS] 121217 Yoo Seung Ho Models Winter Fashion for Nylon Magazine January 2013 Issue!
Actor Yoo Seung Ho successfully tugged the heart strings of women everywhere not only by his role in the MBC drama “I Miss You” but also on the photo shoot spread for NYLON magazine’s December issue.
With his sweet boyish looks, Yoo Seung Ho exuded a fresh and vibrant aura of a twenty-year-old at the prime of his youth in a casual look that complements him best. He took a series of shots where he was also paired with model Hwang Do Kyung with whom he took a few couple shots with.
In his photos, Yoo Seung Ho sports colorful knits and a natural jumper all from the “G by GUESS” collection. Dressed for the casual look, Yoo Seung Ho reveals a cheerful and bright side that contrasts with the sorrowful and gloomy character he presents in his drama role. The actor looked stylish, comfortable and cheerful for the entire photo shoot, captivating fans with his irresistible shy smile.
Source: soompi
Shared by YSHbiased
December 06, 2012
[NEWS] 121206 Yoo Seung Ho teasing Kim So Hyun on the set of 'I Miss You'
The young actress Kim So Hyun, who played the role of Lee Soo Yeon in her youth, visited the set of MBC Wed/Thu ‘I Miss You’ and the visit was revealed through the official homepage of the drama. In the image shown, Kim So Hyun visited the set of ‘I Miss You’ in order to lend her voice for the drama. After finishing up the recording, Kim So Hyun was about to go home and actors Yoon Eun Hye (playing role of Lee Soo Yeon as an adult) and Yoo Seung Ho (playing the role of Kang Hyung Joon as an adult) stopped her. Even the director asked her to stay so she ended up saying, “I’m leaving after watching just one scene.” Kim So Hyun seemed to be shy when she met Yoo Seung Ho for the first time, and wasn't able to approach him well. The director pushed Kim So Hyun towards him, and said "Take a picture with him and show it off to your friends at school." But Kim So Hyun still seemed too shy. At this, Yoo Seung Ho said, "Bye," shocking Kim So Hyun. Yoo Seung Ho said, "I mean, if you don't want to take it, you don't have to take it. You're embarrassing me." At this, Kim So Hyun said, "No I'll take it," shocked. But Yoo Seung Ho fooled around with her again, saying "I'll take it for you. Thank you. It's such an honor." Eventually Yoo Seung Ho and Kim So Hyun were back to being shy again and Kim So Hyun tried to leave then Yoo Seung Ho asked Kim So Hyun, “Take it with me too” and had the staff members smile. Yoon Eun Hye, who was watching the two actors jokingly complained, “I want to take it too” but her hair was messy so seemed disappointed not to be able to take the picture. It was a friendly and warm scene on the set of ‘I Miss You’.
Source: Newsen via Nate
Video Translated: Tizzie, Subbed: YSHbiased
Article: kpopstarz, kpopfever
Shared: YSHbiased
[NEWS] 121206 Yoo Seung Ho teasing Kim So Hyun on the set of 'I Miss You'
Source: Newsen via Nate
Video Translated: Tizzie, Subbed: YSHbiased
Article: kpopstarz, kpopfever
Shared: YSHbiased
[VID] 121206 Yoo Seung Ho - Park Eun Bin Interview with Japan Media for Mission To Love Proposal Daisakusen
Yoo Seung Ho: "Hello Operation Proposal, I'm Kang Baek Ho, Yoo Seung Ho."
Park Eun Bin: "Hello I'm Ham Yi Seul, Park Eun Bin"
Yoo Seung Ho: "I did my best to protect my first love on love fantasy. I played as a high school student then a man 28 years old. Please enjoy the change of age."
Yoo Seung Ho & Park Eun Bin: "Enjoy watching 'Operation Proposal'."
Yoo Seung Ho: "I'm Yoo Seung Ho"
Park Eun Bin: "I'm Park Eun Bin"
Yoo Seung Ho: "Operation Proposal..."
Park Eun Bin: "Very very wonderful drama, lol"
Yoo Seung Ho and Park Eun Bin: "Operation Proposal, please enjoy watching! (Bye-bye)"
Yoo Seung Ho:"Did you watch 'Operation Proposal'? My favorite scene is a time slip. Please pay attention the scene. Operation Proposal.. Please enjoy watching!"
Park Eun Bin: "Hello.. Did you watch 'Operation Proposal'? The highlight is changing the present because he is coming and going the past. Operation Proposal, please support us!"

Translated: minori1210
Shared: YSHbiased
[VID] 121206 Yoo Seung Ho - Park Eun Bin Interview with Japan Media for Mission To Love Proposal Daisakusen
Yoo Seung Ho: "Hello Operation Proposal, I'm Kang Baek Ho, Yoo Seung Ho."
Park Eun Bin: "Hello I'm Ham Yi Seul, Park Eun Bin"
Yoo Seung Ho: "I did my best to protect my first love on love fantasy. I played as a high school student then a man 28 years old. Please enjoy the change of age."
Yoo Seung Ho & Park Eun Bin: "Enjoy watching 'Operation Proposal'."
Yoo Seung Ho: "I'm Yoo Seung Ho"
Park Eun Bin: "I'm Park Eun Bin"
Yoo Seung Ho: "Operation Proposal..."
Park Eun Bin: "Very very wonderful drama, lol"
Yoo Seung Ho and Park Eun Bin: "Operation Proposal, please enjoy watching! (Bye-bye)"
Yoo Seung Ho:"Did you watch 'Operation Proposal'? My favorite scene is a time slip. Please pay attention the scene. Operation Proposal.. Please enjoy watching!"
Park Eun Bin: "Hello.. Did you watch 'Operation Proposal'? The highlight is changing the present because he is coming and going the past. Operation Proposal, please support us!"

Translated: minori1210
Shared: YSHbiased
December 03, 2012
[NEWS] 121203 Yoo Seung Ho Had a Successful Fan Meeting in Japan
Yoo Seung Ho held a fan meeting in Japan at Tokyo’s Nippon-Seinenkan Hotel.
Latest news of the star’s fan meeting was reported on December 3 by Yonhapnews. For the first time, he met his Japanese fans at the Japanese Youth Center located in Tokyo on December 2.
He said to cheering his fans, “I recently had my first fan meeting in Korea, and it’s my first fan meeting in Japan. I'm so nervous now. I wasn’t sure whether I had any fans in Japan and I never expected so many fans to be here.”
During a talk time, he revealed what brought him to his current status. He explained, “It all started when my mom entered my name to model for a fashion catalogue. I decided myself to become an actor when I became 11th grader.”
He performed various events for his fans at the fan meeting. He reenacted a famous scene from TV Chosun’s drama series Operation Proposal with a fan. He also recited the poem “I Love You So” by the poet Han Yong Woon and played the piano singing Yoo Jae Ha’s “Because I’m in Love.”
In the meantime, the star plays the character Harry in the current MBC series I Miss You who shows noble and pure love for Yoon Eun Hye’s counterpart.
He said, “I want to engage in activities in Japan, but I am now an incomplete actor in Korea. Please wait until I become fully competent and can perform in Japan.”
Source: TV Report, KBS
Via (Trans) by: Gateway2Korea, dkpopnews
Photo by: Yonhapnews, Kstyle
Shared by: YSHbiased
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